Lok Virsa organises festival

06 Feb, 2011

Lok Virsa, the National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage, organised a day long festival to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day at Garden Avenue, Shakarparian. The Kashmir Solidarity Day 'Yakjehti Mela' is being organised at Lok Virsa in collaboration with Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Division for the last many years.
The day is revered with great fervour and enthusiasm to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people struggling for the right of their self-determination. The festival brought Kashmiri artisans, artists, NGOs and government organisations working for the cause of Kashmir, authentic Kashmiri cuisine under one umbrella to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people.
A wide range of programmes were chalked out at the 'Yekjehti Mela', which continued throughout the day. The event was arranged with purely cultural and social perspective highlighting the contribution of Kashmiri immigrants who are trying to keep their identity and cultural traditions alive. Executive Director Lok Virsa, Khalid Javed informed APP that all social sector and community organisations, artists, musicians, diplomatic community were invited to participate in the Yakjehti Mela.
The festival was formally opened by Shaheen Dar, chief organiser women wing, Pakistan Peoples Party, Azad Kashmir. Federal Secretary Culture Moin-ul-Islam Bukhari also visited the festival and expressed solidarity with the Kashmiri community.
The main features included Kashmiri artisans-at-work with more than 25 Kashmiri craftsmen and craftswomen displayed their artisanship in creatively designed cultural pavilions and attracted attention of the crowd. The master artisans who participated in the exhibition were Zulfiqar Ali Ghazi (papier mache), Yasmin Mustafa (shishgari), Nasir Ali (needlework), Muhammad Saleem (woodwork), Dawood Ahmed (Kashmiri embroidery), Qazi Ali Muhammad (namda and gabba), Muhammad Javaid (metal work), Shamim Habib (Kashmiri embroidery), Habib Ejaz (truck art), Muhammad Hafeez Nasir (zari work). Kashmiri Folkloric and Music Ensemble - Taleh Ruz - recurring performances of Taleh Ruz, named after traditional Kashmiri jewellery in full costumes was arranged at the open air theater of Lok Virsa throughout the day.

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