Pathanay Khan's death anniversary observed

10 Mar, 2011

Famous folk singer Pathanay Khan was commemorated on his 11th death anniversary on Wednesday. According to a private news channel, Pathanay Khan was born in 1926 in the village Basti Tambu Wali, situated in the heart of the Thal Desert, several miles from Kot Addu. He was a great Seraiki folk singer of the country.
He mostly sang Kafis and Ghazals (traditional forms of poetry) which were largely based on the Sufi poetry of Khwaja Ghulam Farid and Shah Hussain. He was totally devoted to Khwaja Farid. He gave his own deeper meaning to Khwaja Sahib's poetry through his style and spirit of singing. Pathanay Khan introduced many great, but unknown poets of the Seraiki belt through his dhoras (traditional folk poems) that appeared as a preamble to Kafis. Pathanay Khan died after protracted illness in his native town of Kot Addu on March 9, 2000. He was given the President's Pride of Performance Award.

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