Partly Facetious: These appointees of Gilani disappoint him each time

11 Mar, 2011

"Dr Hafeez Sheikh has directed the Chief Commissioners of Large Taxpayer Units to pull their weight."
"I thought their combined weight was less than Dr Sheikh's."
"What ever do you mean? Dr Sheikh is a slim person with no weight problem that I can see...though his nose maybe a tad too big as it does seem to irritate other political parties."
"Don't be facetious you know preciously what I mean."
"I do and I stand by my definition of the man."
"What do you mean?"
"Dr Sheikh has no political weight and has been unable to make any difference."
"He is perceived to be an IMF appointee."
"Just goes to show the Fund needs to revisit its selection criteria."
"Ah yes something the Fund has in common with our Prime Minister."
"That's not true. Our Prime Minister carefully selects people to head state-owned entities and the resulting suo motu notice takes him by surprise each time."
"You are being facetious."
"No I am not. These appointees of Gilani disappoint him each time."
"If only he looks at their qualifications and experience before appointing them."
"That's what the IMF claimed it did with Dr Sheikh."
"The guy inherited a budget deficit that was sustainable and presented two money bills that he could not convince anyone must be passed and he is blaming everyone else for the state of the economy: the PML (N) and MQM for playing politics, the cabinet for not following his prescriptions, the FBR now for not pulling their weight, and the... "
"So effectively he can't pull his own weight."
"Right, but that's not due to corruption like in the case of FBR."
"Why doesn't he at least try to levy a tax on those Pakistanis who reside in this country but have large assets abroad..."
"Hey there is the issue of double taxation and..."
"Why doesn't he deal with that to ensure that people who have assets abroad pay money to Pakistan if that is they hold a Pakistani passport."
"And if they don't hold a Pakistani passport?"
"Then to issue them a visa for a short stay in the country and..."
"Ah that's the prerogative of the Foreign Office."

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