Registration of college: 'it's directorate's duty to check whether requirements are fulfilled'

11 Mar, 2011

When a college management applies for registration in the directorate's office its then directorate's duty to check either it fulfils the requirement criteria of directorate or not, not board's responsibility, M Imran Khan Chishti Deputy Secretary Board of Intermediate Education said here on Thursday.
Board won't ask for renewal of registration from private institutions that's why they skip their renewal Mansoob Siddiqui Executive Director Officer (EDO) Private Schools said a few days before while inquiring about unregistered institutions running in the city. Its 100 percent directorate's responsibility to check either the institution is registered or not as they have vigilant teams to do so, boards only concern is timely and fair examination held in city.
Board also has vigilant teams but they only check the number of teachers for specific subject, conditions of labs, attendance of students, means only examination concern items. If a school opens another branch and keeps it running without registration, the matter is not board's concern but yes board won't give it an affiliation till it shows the registration.
Sometime some institutions file applications that directorate is taking more than the required time to register it but the date of examination is near than board after verifying from directorate that such and such institution has either filed a case for registration in directorate or not gives it a temporary affiliation for the sake of children's future only.
Directorate has to register any institution for one to five year and every year it's a documental necessity to attach their registration along with the papers while putting forward for examination process. Board also checks a sudden increase of number in students eg one year only 100 students appear from an institution but suddenly 800 students are going to appear for next year board do ask the reason of sudden increase and do send the team there for checking. If certain institution found guilty of hiding of any breach board do inform the directorate. The allegation of directorate is totally wrong, Chishti Deputy Secretary Board of Intermediate Education concluded while denying completely.

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