Punjab agriculture department convenes meeting of growers' representatives

12 Mar, 2011

The Punjab Agriculture Department has convened a meeting of growers' representatives on Monday (March 14) to discuss the proposed Punjab Seed Act 2011, which is aimed at regulating the quality of seeds and to support the development of a vibrant seed industry in the province.
Sources told Business Recorder here on Friday that the Secretary Agriculture Punjab would chair this important meeting, which is being hosted by the Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB). They said that representatives from the Farmers Associates Pakistan (FAP), Awan-e-Zaraat Punjab, Anjuman-e-Kashtkaran, Kisan Board and other progressive farmers had been invited. The meeting would discuss the ways and means to regulate the quality of seeds and matters connected therewith, and for taking measures to provide high quality seeds to farmers.
Under this proposed Seed Act 2011, the Punjab government intends to set up a 'Punjab Seed Council' comprising representatives from the industrial sector, seed companies association, seed professionals, representatives of farmers and civil society and government officials.
This proposed council after coming into being will advise the government on policy for development, operation and regulation of seed business in the province; assist the government in developing rules and proposing amendments therein from time to time as the need may arise. It will approve varieties for commercial cultivation in the province, withdraw approval granted to a variety and approve minimum seed quality and purity standards.
It is also proposed to set up 'Punjab Seed Registration and Testing Agency' which would regulate the quality of seeds as prescribed by the council, sample and test seed intended for sale in order to ascertain their purity, viability, germination capacity and health status in the manner prescribed.
Besides other functions, this agency would also formulate recommendations for the approval of plant varieties for commercial cultivation in the province, maintain a list of approved plant varieties, propose procedures and protocols for maintaining purity of the seed stock and conduct and support research in seed production technology.

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