The milk prices were finally brought back to their previous price of Rs 59 per liter, as negotiations between City Government (CDGK) and milkman associations ended successfully. A meeting was held here on Saturday at Administrator office, between the CDGK DCO Karachi and Acting Administrator Muhammad Hussain Saeed and a delegation of Pakistan Dairy Farmers Association and Karachi Dairy Farmers Association.
The restored price of Rs 59 per liter would be implemented from Sunday, the associations said. However, the association pointed out that the CDGK should take measures to meet out their requirements, including the rehabilitation of "Bhains Colony" and provision of other facilities, they said.
The DCO in this regard informed that weekly meetings between the DCO and the Associations would be held, where the problems being faced by the milk-sellers would be discussed and proper steps would be taken against them, through mutual consensus. The first meeting in this regard would be held on 24th March, the Acting Administrator said.
In a question asked regarding the transfer of magisterial powers to the DDO's of the CDGK Department of Enterprise and Investment (EIP), the DCO answered that the Government of Sindh has sent a letter to the High Court in which it has requested the judiciary for the transfer of magisterial powers to the department officers.
Officials told that the method of Concessionary Judges is not viable in long run as the judges are much involved in other cases which they have to carry out; they are unable to give due attention required on the matter. Officials also said that we act as a complaint center for the higher authorities ie the Concessionary Judges, as we lack the authority to carry out action. The meeting was attended by the EDO Agriculture Ramzan Baprani, EDO EIP Saif ur Rehman, AEDO Revenue Matanat Ali Khan and DO's of other Departments.