Shah Mehmood Qureshi next PM?

20 Mar, 2011

Some people are giving impression that Shah Mehmood Qureshi, ex-foreign minister would become next prime minister of Pakistan. How, why and when?, they are unable to tell. If we analyse, it seems there are little chances of this in a democratic process.
Presently he is still in PPP and gives impression not to leave it, but continues to fire his guns towards PPP meant to distort image of his Party's government by indulging in an open violation of Party discipline and also damaging national interests of country. Nonetheless, in a dictatorship, he can become dummy prime minister like Zarfarullah Jamali, Chaudhry Shujaat etc.
His recent warm welcome in two parts of Sindh by his religious followers does not mean he is popular to that extent among non-followers also. Through your esteemed newspaper and as his well-wisher, I advise him as follows:
01. If he does not want to leave PPP, he has to stop his campaign against PPP government forthwith.
02. If he wants to part ways, he should have moral courage and resign from the PPP. If he wants to form a new political party or join another party, he has the right to do so but can not be allowed to create rift in PPP for an unlimited period. Before doing so he should think it over twice as those who left PPP became non-entities like ex-President Sardar Farooq Laghari, ex-caretaker prime minister Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Ghulam Mustafa Khar etc.
03. He should keep in mind that he could not be another Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) by copying his style.
04. He wants to present himself as champion of the national interests but we all know he came out in public when he did not regain portfolio of Foreign Ministry. Therefore, he can not fool people for long time.
05. If he is anxious to become Prime minister, he has to wait till another dictator comes into power but in that case, there is no guarantee for him that he would be nominated for the slot as dictators have a long list of their own 'loyal people'.

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