Foreign policy shift: 'high-time for Pakistan to look towards China'

22 Mar, 2011

Jamaat-i-Islami Secretary General, Liaquat Baloch has said that the US friendship is proving very costly for Pakistan and it is high time for Islamabad to be closer to China. Talking to different delegations at Mansoora on Monday, he said that the JI would defeat the US puppets ruling the country through people's power. Raymond Davis issue has exposed all US pawns of the country, he added.
Condemning western forces' bombardment in Libya, he said that Washington has in fact eyes on Libya's oil resources. He deplored that while the country was passing through critical conditions, the rulers were continuing to act as US lackeys. The nation could not tolerate this anymore, he said, and added that JI would organise masses and force the corrupt, incompetent and agents of foreign powers out of the corridors of power.
Baloch said that Black Water is involved in the terrorist activities in the country. It is unfortunate, he said, that Punjab government has joined hands with the federal government on the Raymond Davis issue. It is time to deal with Washington on equal footing by refusing to act as its slave. The US is already facing defeat in Afghanistan, he reminded.
He noted that JI is mobilising people for a true revolution in the country whereas the privileged class in power is trying to divide the masses on regional, ethnic and racial basis to retain power. All institutions have been destroyed and the country, rich with natural resources, has been made totally dependent on others. He further said that common man has been buried under sky-high prices of essential items while the ruling junta is minting money and depositing it in their foreign bank accounts.

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