Drone attacks termed direct threat to Pakistan's sovereignty

22 Mar, 2011

Drone attacks are a direct threat to sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan and must be condemned in each form as it will trigger terrorism in the country. Haq Nawaz Akhter, Deputy Speaker Norway Parliament expressed in 'Meet The Press' programme in the National Press Club Islamabad.
He said that Kashmir dispute must be resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions as the Sudan and East Taimur issue was settled. Haq Nawaz said that coalition forces attack on Libya is righteous act as the rights of innocent masses were violated by a dictator from 42 years and 8,000 civilians were murdered in the previous days, adding that Pakistan must join hands with the Nato forces.
While appreciating Pakistan's role as frontline state against terrorism, he said that Pakistan can stabilise peace in the region. He said Pakistani women must be provided equal opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder with men for socio-economic and religio-political development of the country.
Education system must be reformed and steps must be taken to improve the tax system of the country, he added. Pakistan can run its functions without foreign aid if the drawbacks in the taxation system would be reformed and every citizen of the country must play role in this regard, he concluded.-PR

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