Pakistan draws UN attention to Holy Quran's desecration

23 Mar, 2011

Pakistan has drawn United Nations' attention to the "despicable act" of desecration of the Holy Quran that was supervised by an American pastor in Florida on Tuesday, and urged the world body to fight "such tendencies" and promote interfaith harmony.
In a letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Pakistan's permanent representative, Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon, voiced Pakistan's strong condemnation of the burning of the Islamic holy book and expressed "profound regret and deep concern" at the increasing acts of Islam phobia and growing trend of intolerance and hatred towards the Muslims as well as insults to their religious symbols and personalities. Terry Jones, the controversial American pastor, oversaw the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran at his small Florida church after the Islamic revered book was put on trial, found guilty and condemned for execution, according to media reports.

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