Payment of Diyat money: LHC asks petitioner to present argument

23 Mar, 2011

The Lahore High Court here Tuesday asked petitioner and a provincial law officer to come up with arguments whether the court had the jurisdiction to hear the petition which challenged the payment of Diyat to heirs of Faheem and Faizan, killed by Raymond on next date of hearing.
The court fixed March 29 for next hearing on the petition filed by Rana Ilamud Din Ghazi advocate who challenged payment of Diyat money by government of Pakistan. The petitioner also submitted that Raymond remained involved in anti Pakistan activities for three years but the investigators did not probe him on these lines.
He said name of the accused was on ECL on the orders of the LHC but even then he was sent abroad without permission of the LHC. He prayed to the court to ask the responsible that why they did not put sections of Anti Terrorism Act against the accused. He also asked the court to summon record of judicial file, and police file of the case and fix responsibility on all government functionaries who avoided their responsibilities.

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