Government asked to sever diplomatic ties with US

25 Mar, 2011

The Women and Family Commission (WFC) of the Jamaat e Islami, has called upon the government to sever diplomatic ties with the US in protest against the devilish pastor's act of desecration of the Holy Quran.
The demand was made at a seminar organised by the WFC on "Pakistani Women and the prevailing conditions in the country". The seminar termed the blasphemous act of pastor Terry Jones, as the biggest act of terrorism in the world history and stressed that suitable measures be taken to punish the culprit. Women representatives from Balochistan, Sindh, FATA, KP attending the seminar demanded pulling out of the US war on terror besides an end to the military operation in Fata and drone attacks.
Prominent Women Rights activist and MNA, Attiya Inayatullah, in her message read out at the seminar, underscored the need for reviving religious faith among the women for steering the country out of the present crisis. She said that provision of education, health and security to the women who constituted 50 per cent of the population could help the country gain a prominent place in the civilised world.
Ex-Senator, Captain Kausar Firdaus (Retd), in her presidential address on the occasion, said that Pakistan's involvement in the so-called war on terror had multiplied the women's problems in the country. The women folk, she said, could not be seen in isolation from the society, as they were the first to be affected by the positive or negative changes in the society. Begum Samiha Raheel Qazi, in her address, said that the Pakistani women who had lost their young ones in the current wave of terrorism in the country had developed mental and nervous ailments. At the same time, she said, the liberalism in the name of modern comforts had badly affected the Pakistani women as well. Samina Saeed, from Balochistan, Fatima Aurangzai from FATA, Zubeida Iqbal from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Attiya Nisar, from Sindh also addressed the seminar.

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