Samsung, has now introduced the new D8000 and D7000 series of Televisions. Key technology influences have high praise for the 2011 ultra-thin bezels, stunning 3D and HD picture quality, easy connectivity and intuitive new Smart Hub platform-which opens consumers to a wealth of personalised content that is unmatched in the industry. Samsung has been leading the global Home-entertainment market since 2006.
The D8000 series recently won five-star ratings from United Kingdom outlets CNET and What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision, while another UK publication, TrustedReviews, gave it the perfect scores on both design and features and near-perfect scores for 2D and 3D picture quality and sound quality. Home Cinema Choice, stated "It dazzles on first viewing, from its ultra-chic looks and nifty Smart Hub to its improved 3D and HD picture quality."-PR