First Consultative Session for Women on Gender Sensitisation held

26 Mar, 2011

The 1st Consultative Session for Women on Gender Sensitisation in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution took place in Karachi on March 25, at Avari Hotel. The workshop was organised by IFC Pakistan ADR Project. The session focused on dialogue targeted at women who are part of a women's network, chamber, an NGO or media focusing on women's issues.
The specific aims of the consultative session were to share lessons and benefits of alternate dispute resolution for discussion. Gender specialists from New World Concepts highlighted problems faced by women entrepreneurs and women litigants in resolving disputes in courts and detailed how mediation can provide a much better option to women in settlement of disputes.
Ms Navin Salim Merchant, IFC Pakistan ADR Programme Manager stated the main objective of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Programme is to institutionalise court-referred/court-annexed mediation and other forms of ADR for more speedy and cost-effective commercial dispute resolution, offering greater access to justice for entrepreneurs. It supports the application of ADR by enhancing the legislative framework and creating more efficient judicial systems by building the capacity at courts to apply ADR. It introduces new best practices in ADR through the establishment of pilot commercial mediation centres and professionalises mediation by transferring skills and know-how to practitioners.
Dr Zafar Ahmad Khan Sherwani, Director Karachi Centre for Dispute Resolution (KCDR), appreciated IFC's Pakistan's role in institutionalising ADR/Mediation in Karachi, the successful setting up of KCDR in 2007 and continuously providing advisory services. Over 2,000 people have been made aware on mediation and KCDR through various awareness events. Local master trainers have delivered six courses for the corporate sector, legal profession and the judiciary in Sindh province. Over 1,500 cases have been referred in over three years, which illustrates KCDR's significance as a dispute resolution centre.-PR

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