Thousands of teachers march in Belgrade for better wages

26 Mar, 2011

Several thousand striking teachers and their supporters rallied Friday in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, demanding higher wages and an end to corruption.
The demonstration, which took place in a square in central Belgrade, was organised by one of the country's four teachers' unions. The teachers, who went on strike in January, have been seeking salary increases of 20 per cent. Three of the unions went back to work in February after the government promised a 15-per-cent wage hike.
The union said that, instead of imposing wage cuts, the authorities should crack down on corruption. Union members said the country loses 100 million euros (140 million dollars) every year through corrupt contracts. Speaking separately, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said he did not understand the protest and promised that striking teachers will get paid after they hold classes their students missed. "I am mystified, because the government met all its promises," Cvetkovic told reporters.

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