Drone attacks: Malik's statement proves PPP's loyalty to US

28 Mar, 2011

Jamaat-e-Islami Secretary General, Liaquat Baloch, has said Interior Minister Rehman Malik's statement expressing helplessness to stop drone attacks only proved PPP's loyalty to the US at the cost of vital interests of the country and the nation.
Rehman Malik's statement is a clear indication that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) government is more concerned about US interests than the life of the Pakistani people, he said, while talking to a delegation of the Pakistan Islamic Medical Association, at Mansoora, on Sunday. He said the PPP government had proved far more harmful for the masses than Pervez Musharraf and had gone two steps ahead of the military dictator in serving interests.
He said the government had once again given the "good news" of raise in POL prices, which was tyrannical. The recent taxes had already burdened the lives of the poor and the fresh raise would further affect the country's economy, especially the industry, he added.
He said according to the State bank report, every new born Pakistani child was under debt of Rs 61,000, whereas the government was not prepared to cut down its expenditure. The State Bank report was an indicator that the government's economic policy had failed. Liaquat Baloch impressed upon the Punjab government to notify raise in the doctors' salaries, stop victimisation of PCS officers and accept their lawful demands.

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