ASF organises colourful Meena Bazaar

28 Mar, 2011

Attock Sahara Foundation (ASF) is working for community welfare besides involving the community particularly women folks of the area in socio economic activities.
The Foundation (ASF) for its fund raising activities arranged a colourful Meena Bazaar at McCarthy Park of Attock Refinery Limited (ARL) on Sunday, which was beautifully arranged and a large number of people from the surrounding areas of Morgah and Kotha Kalan, family members of ARL employees and people from the twin cities also visited the Meena Bazaar, said the Chief Organiser of the ASF while talking to reporters.
Chief of the ASF said that the Foundation has also established Zakat and Dowry fund for the needy people and disbursed sizable amount to Zakat Fund. This amount is widely distributed to widows, orphans and poor people of the surroundings areas. ASF has also distributed a large amount as dowry fund to the deserving girls for their weddings.
About 120 stalls were set up in the Meena Bazaar selling different items like, traditional embroidered and ready made garments, hosiery, artificial jewellery, cosmetics, hand made candles, potpourri, decoration pieces, audio cassettes, a variety of food stalls and other items. Before the conclusion of the Meena Bazaar, best stall awards were also distributed.

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