KCCI, ICOC can help promote bilateral trade: Yenel

29 Mar, 2011

"Pakistan and Turkey are two-states one-nation; Pakistan is potential destination for bilateral trade and commerce", expressed by Muhammet Yenel, Member, Executive Board, The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC), in a meeting at Istanbul Chamber with Muhammad Saeed Shafiq, President, Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the members of KCCI high power business delegation.
Muhammet Yenel stated that Pak-Turkey brotherhood encompassed over decades and both countries had great resemblance in culture, ethics, norms. He said that Pak Turkey are important countries for each other and Karachi Chamber and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce can play vital role to promote bilateral trade and cementing trade ties. He articulated that both countries have many areas of mutual co-operation viz. construction, telecommunication, energy, textile products and its machinery, furniture, PVC pipes, agriculture machinery.
He focused that at Istanbul Chambers' efforts are underway to uplift two-way trade. He informed that Istanbul Chamber of Commerce had 122 years historic experience with a membership base of over 300,000 and members of ICOC will extend best support to their Pakistani counterparts to strengthen the Pak economy.
He stated that peace and harmony are essential for mutual co-operation and friendly relations. He opined at this point of time the proposed safeguard measures in respect to imports of textiles products should not be done for Pakistan. He accepted the invitation of President-KCCI and expressed consideration for participation of ICOC in the KCCI My-Karachi Exhibition 2011.
Muhammad Saeed Shafiq, President-KCCI expressed cordial gratitude and compliments to Member Executive Board and his colleagues for warm welcome of KCCI delegation. Saeed Shafiq stated that the relationship of Pakistan and Turkey are based on religious, cultural and historic ties.
He said that the Pak Turk Friendship bond is sealed forever and together we will stand alongside and play wider part on others foreign policies. Saeed informed that Pakistan's economy was brutally stabbed due to acting as frontline state in the war against terror and the losses to nation were over 340 billion USD besides the loss of precious human lives. He said that the war against terror had spread unrest in the country and industrialisation had faced slowdown and as an outcome the employment opportunities had also faced a decline. He asserted upon the need of investment in Pakistan by Turkish investors to revive Pak economy.
He highlighted that wind and solar were great potential sectors in the present point of time. He said that the perception of Pakistan must be improved around the globe and its real picture be exposed as a country of immense opportunities and peace loving citizens. He focused that Pakistan-Turkey together enhance the commerce products which might not hurt the domestic industries of both countries. He asserted upon the need of paving the way for Preferential and Free Trade Agreement between Pakistan and Turkey and urged the office-bearers and Executive Members to play their role to convince Turkish government and he will do the same in Pakistan. Saeed Shafiq also extended invitation to the members of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce for participation in the KCCI My-Karachi, Oasis of Harmony Exhibition 2011.
He also voiced on the issue of proposed safeguard measures on textile exports from Pakistan and other regional countries and stated that this would be a harsh measure to affect textile exports, therefore, Turkey being brotherly country should accordingly give exemptions to Pakistan.
President-KCCI and Member, Executive Board on behalf of President, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce reassured each other to enhance their interaction and effectively comply the already signed protocol of mutual co-operation to promote bilateral commerce between two countries. Both also agreed to accord proper coverage to each other in their trade bulletins. Meeting ended with a common resolve to augment bilateral trade ties and strengthen KCCI and ICOC relationship. A comprehensive Business-to-Business meeting session was also held between KCCI members of business delegation and the members of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. Members of KCCI delegation, Shamim Ahmed Firpo, Chaudhry Ansar Javed, Shaikh Muhammad Tehseen, Muhammad Arif, Masood Yahya, Khadim Rasool and Dogan Yucel, Director Projects, Pak-Turk Businessmen Association Karachi (PTBA) and Kenan Oztekin, Deputy Secretary General and members of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Nuri Guran, Fahri Karbuz also participated in the interactive session and B2B meeting with their counterparts.-PR

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