SPOTLIGHT: Blood money for bloodshed the Government is unwilling or unable to prevent? Why not?: Karachi killings: SOP takes everybody off the hook (except victim's families)!

29 Mar, 2011

I was reading the City Page of a national newspaper one sultry afternoon this month. Almost every other item had to do with people killed on roads in Karachi in broad daylight, the killers escaping unchallenged in each case. I gradually dozed off. Suddenly I heard, ringing in my ear, what seemed to be a very odd nursery rhyme. It ran somewhat thus:
One is done,
Two we will do,
Even three is too few,
Four is but one more!
Look! Five, six, seven,
Not quite done
Here we go again!
But that's not even ten!
Look again! Look again!
Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat,
Down eight, nine, ten.
And by no means done,
We begin yet again!
I woke up with a start. What was the little innocent sounding rhyme about, I found myself wondering? I drifted into the dream world again and thought I saw and heard as follows:
Scene One: An office in the Ministry in charge of Security, Karachi.
Phone rings, midday
Sr. Official: (Frowns at the phone, puts teacup and newspaper down, picks up phone, in a surly tone): Yes?
Jr. Official: Sir, an incident of target killing has just been reported in the city.
Sr. Official: So? What do you want me to do?
Jr. Official: Sir I was told by Shahid that a "taken notice" statement must be issued when a case of target killing is reported. I phoned to seek your kind permission, sir.
Sr. Official: And where is Shahid?
Jr. Official: He was suddenly called away due to an illness in his family and I am assigned his work for now, sir. I am Khalid, sir.
Sr. Official: Well, listen to me young man! In the first place I am supposed to issue a "taken notice" statement after two killings have taken place in rapid succession. Not after the first killing. The police are supposed to react to that. In the second place why disturb me. You are supposed to issue the statement on behalf of the police chief on your own without bothering me. You got that?
Jr. Official: If you please, Sir! What shall I say in the statement, sir?
Sr. Official: Oh God! I forgot you are new to this. Let me read SOP-one to you. (Reading) "The IG has taken notice. An FIR has been registered against unknown killers and they would be apprehended soon". That is SOP number one for target killing cases.
Jr. Official: (sheepishly): Yes Sir. Will do that at once sir! Thank you, sir.
Sr. Official: Wait! And another thing! Ask those stupid people to give you the complete SOP I just mentioned. That will tell you what to do and when to do it the next time a target killing spree begins, which I am sure will be sooner than later. Don't bother me unnecessarily! (Puts phone down goes back to his cup of tea and news reading).
Jr. Official: Sir! (Puts phone down with great respect).
Phone rings.
Sr. Official: What now?
Jr. Official: Sir another man has been killed by two people riding on a motor bike. Just as you predicted, sir! The killers made good their escape after the shooting. I am issuing SOP number 2, sir. Just as you said!
Sr. Official (Looking bored): Read it out to me first, will you? Since you are new in the game I want to make sure you got it right.
Jr. Official: Sir! It says (reading), "the Interior Minister, Sindh has taken notice and has said that targeted killing will not be tolerated. Police have been ordered to take urgent steps to prevent such incidents and to apprehend the killers".
Sr. Official: Okay. Go ahead.
Jr. Official: Thank you, sir!
Phone rings.
Sr. Official: (Under his breath) O God, there is no peace on this planet! (Loudly) Is that you again?
Jr. Official: Sorry, sir, but another man has died of wounds on the road when gunmen riding a motor bike shot him and escaped from the scene. (Anxiously) That makes three killings in as many hours, sir! Shall I issue SOP no 3, sir? Sorry for bothering you sir, but I want to make sure I don't end up making a serious mistake.
Sr. Official: Okay, okay! That calls for SOP no 3 all right! But read it out to me first, just in case.
Jr. Official: It says (reading) "Chief Minister Sindh Qaim Ali Shah has taken notice and has ordered the IG Police to deal with the killers with an iron hand and to ensure security of the people on the roads".
Sr. Official: Okay. Go ahead.
Jr. Official: Thank you, sir!
Phone rings
Sr. Official: (Exasperated, to himself): Killers in this damned city take no rest either. (Loudly) Yes?
Jr. Official (tense): Sir, there are reports of two more target attacks in three parts of the city. Two victims died on the spot. Another two were seriously wounded, and were being treated in a hospital in the vicinity. They are not yet in a position to talk. The killers who were on motor bikes in each case have disappeared without a trace. Sir, Shall I issue SOP no 5.
Sr. Official: No, no! Don't get too excited. That comes later. Read out SOP no 4 to me.
Jr. Official: (Reading) Yes, Sir. It says Rehman Malik has taken serious note of this newest spurt in target killing. He has discussed the matter with Zulfiqar Mirza and offered support of Rangers to augment police effort to prevent target killing and to catch the criminals.
Sr. Official (approvingly): Go ahead. I am glad you are catching on fast in your new task. In future you do not need to ask me what to do especially if I am taking a nap or having lunch. This applies to SOPs one through four. For anything above that you will check with me. Understand?
Jr. Official: (very happy): Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!
Phone rings
Sr. Official: (Sighing) Yes?
Jr. Official: Sir, target killings are getting out of control. There are three new cases of people killed or seriously wounded in different parts of the city. IG says some people have been apprehended on suspicion and the killers will be identified, caught and produced before the courts.
Sr. Official (Resignedly): This seems to be case for SOP no 5 all right. But read it out to me so there is no mistake. Shahid used to manage up to this point without bothering me. But you are new. So we better compare notes when we reach these high SOP numbers.
Jr. Official): Sir! (Reading SOP no 5) "Rehman Malik will fly to Karachi immediately to personally monitor and guide action against target killers. He has called a meeting at the Governor's House in Karachi which will be attended by Dr Zulfiqar Mirza, IG Police Sindh. DG Rangers in Karachi will be on hand to offer co-operation that the police may need in the ever-growing spate of killings on roads of Karachi. Zero tolerance will be shown towards target killings".
Sr. Official (Resignedly): This is correct. Leave further action to me now. But keep reporting developments as you have been doing.
Jr. Official: Yes, Sir. Certainly Sir!
Scene two: PM's security office:
Phone rings
V. Sr. Official (Picking up phone): Yes?
Sr. Official: Sir, the situation in Karachi is again out of control!
V. Sr. Official (Yawning): Is that all? Tell me something new!
Sr. Official: Seriously, Sir! All efforts so far have failed to stop killings and the toll is rising by the hour. SOP 4 was issued two days go.
V. Sr. Official: Yes! Yes! I know the rest of it. But the point is Malik Sahib is in Dubai? And he will need to rush to Karachi and maybe also to London later to meet you know who. Let me see if could reach Malik Saheb on phone. I will get back to you ASAP.
Sr. Official: Yes, Sir. As you say, sir!
V. Sr. Official: And look here, wait a minute! SOP 5 needs to change: Substitute the name of the Chief Minister in place of Dr Zulfiqar Mirza.
Sr. Official: Yes, sir? Consider it done, sir!
V. Sr. Official: Good, and wait for word from me.
Sr. Official: Yes, Sir, Thank you, sir!
Phone rings in Karachi Security Office
Sr. Official: (Suddenly alert sensing who is on line) Sir!
V. Sr. Official: You may release SOP no 5.
Sr. Official: (Dubious, not quite sure if it would change much) Right away sir!
Same scene (two days later): Phone rings in PM's security office:
V. Sr. Official: (Sighing) Yes!
Sr. Official: It is getting worse I am afraid, Sir. As killings multiply, the government is under all round attack, from opposition, from TV, from print media, and (in a low voice) we are also hearing from the Establishment, sir!
V. Sr. Official: What do you suggest?
Sr. Official: In my humble view it is time for SOP no 6, sir? Let me read it out to you, sir. (Reading): "The Prime Minister has taken serious note of happenings in Karachi. He will fly to the city shortly and will chair a meeting at the Governor's house in which the Chief Minister, leaders of allied parties, DG Rangers and IG Sindh will be present. The Minister for Interior is already in the city. We will demonstrate that we have zero tolerance for killings. All criminals will be apprehended and peace again restored".
V. Sr. Official: Well, go ahead. I will firm up Malik Sahib's plans including travel to London next.
Sr. Official: (Still dubious) Sir, if that fails we will need to go for SOP no 7, Sir. Would you get in touch with the Presidency, sir? I can see the need arising soon, sir.
V. Sr. Official: (Cynically, throwing caution to the winds) You think that will do any good? Has that not been tried already?
Sr. Official: (Confidentially, in almost a whisper) I agree with you there, sir, but at least on our part we will have done all we could.
V. Sr. Official: (Persisting with the question) Will it make the slightest difference you think as far as the killings are concerned?
Sr. Official: Sir, in all kindness, please don't ask me to answer that question. Even walls have ears as a Persian proverb goes.
V. Sr. Official: That is about as complete an answer as one can hope for! (Puts phone down).
Spotlight: Can I help it that I woke up at this point and cannot tell you if there were more SOP numbers (perhaps 7 and beyond) involving still higher high-ups! But no matter! Your guess should be at least as good as my dream stuff. So be my guest. (

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