Last date of renunciation/payment

01 Apr, 2011

Last dates of renunciation/payment.

COMPANY Trading in L/Right Last Date for Last Date of Spot From Premium
w.e.f. Payment/Ren. Trading
Shaheen Insurance Co 22.02.2011 05.04.2011 30.03.2011 29.03.2011 -
Tariq Glass Ltd 24.03.2011 05.05.2011 29.04.2011 - Rs. 2.50
Cherat Paper sack 31.03.2011 10.05.2011 04.05.2011 - Rs. 32.00
D.G. Khan Cement 11.04.2011 23.05.2011 17.05.2011 - Rs. 10.00

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