Partly Facetious: Ruet-e-Hilal body may be deployed on our borders

10 May, 2011

"Our Air Force never did detect the US helicopters in Pakistani air space."
"Right, I believe the helicopters were in our air space for more than three hours or so." "I thought you were going to focus on the failure of ISI, with the advantage of operating within its home country, and the success of the CIA in finding out where bin Laden was resident."
"The Americans would be more interested in that, as a Pakistani I am more interested in knowing why our radar system failed to detect US helicopters, I mean we do have a radar system that together with the very expensive fighter planes that we bought at a cost of billions of dollars of our tax money, which has implied that I go home on a road requiring urgent repairs for ever and to a home that has no electricity for over ten hours and..."
"I get the picture. Heads must roll."
"And big heads if you know what I mean, not the small ones."
"Big heads also means..."
"I am aware of multiple usages of the term 'big heads'."
"But you know I have another solution to this."
"There has to be an impartial investigation and a member of the public must sit on it and..."
"I agree, but I have a solution to the problem."
"There is no solution but an investigation..."
"OK, OK I agree but the solution is in the form of a back up."
"Back up to sophisticated radar system that..."
"Precisely, as the system failed."
"What is your solution?"
"We have a ruet-e-hilal committee whose terms of reference are not enough to ensure their gainful employment each day of the month."
"I propose that the ruet-e-hilal committee be deployed on our borders with powerful microscopes..."
"Don't be facetious."
"Hey if you can rely on them to tell you the Eid day and the start of a month then why can't you deploy them on our borders to detect incoming aircraft?"
"These guys have issues with their eye-sight, and they are the reason for this country celebrating more than one Eid."
"Ah yes, but had they been deployed they may not have agreed on the number of craft but would certainly have agreed that some craft were incoming."

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