Health department: chief minister directs pay revision of grade 1 to 4 employees

13 May, 2011

Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has issued instructions for revision of pay package for grade 1 to 4 employees of provincial health department. He issued the instruction while addressing the representatives of doctors, nurses and paramedics here on Thursday, disclosed an official.
On the occasion, he said though the demand was not made for increasing their salaries in the first pay package but as they also deserved a raise, therefore the committee should also take measures for that purpose. He told the delegation that despite limited resources, the package of Rs 5.2 billion announced by Punjab government for doctors, nurses and paramedics is unprecedented in the history of the country. He also said after the announcement of the package, the people of the province have greater expectations of those who were associated with health sector that they would serve the ailing humanity with more commitment and dedication.
According to him, doctors had the right to raise their voice for the acceptance of their demands but they should not be unmindful of obligations of their noble profession, as the loss of even a single human life was irreparable. The government had resolved to serve the ailing humanity and provided quality healthcare facilities to the masses and revolutionary steps had been taken for that purpose. As result of 50 percent increase in salaries in the last budget and the recent pay package the overall raise had reached the figure of Rs 11.2 billion, which was unprecedented in the country's history.
In response to the demands of doctors, paramedics and nurses, the Chief Minister said a committee had been set up, which would submit its recommendation within six months for the overall improvement of health sector and solution of problems of those associated with it.

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