AKU celebrates International Nurses Day

13 May, 2011

Aga Khan University Division of Nursing Services held a ceremony to celebrate both International Day of the Midwife (IDM) and International Nurses Day (IND) on May 12th. The theme for this year's IDM - The World Needs Midwives Today More Than Ever - aims to affirm a global commitment to a strong and well-qualified midwifery workforce, while International Council of Nurses has identified Closing the Gaps: Increasing Access and Equity as the theme for IND 2011.
Every year in May, nurses and midwives around the world celebrate International Nurses Day and International Day of the Midwife to raise awareness about the role of nurses and midwives in global health care. At Aga Khan Health Services Pakistan, midwives are also providing their services to patients through maternity homes in different cities of country. Moreover, the Aga Khan University School of Nursing alumni voluntarily provide their services at Aga Khan University Hospital to increase access to knowledge and to share best practices.
This day gives an opportunity to the nurses and hospitals to reflect back on their contribution in providing accessible care that is free of discrimination. The programme will be inaugurated by Dr Abdul Gaffar Billoo (Sitara-e-Imtiaz), Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Aga Khan University.-PR

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