USA, the wolf in disguise

13 May, 2011

He was a well-to-do man leading his life among the mountains and in caves. He was not short of anything however, he preferred a simple life engulfed with hardship. He was the person who gave the toughest time to USA, the biggest terrorist of the world. Yes, Osama, the real hero, the beat of people's hearts and voice today, a noble and brave man stood against USA's terrorism in the whole world, perhaps, but still not sure, has passed away at last.
Despite the fact that bin Laden doctrines were a bit wrong but he was a Muslim as we are. Is there a person who has like Osama dared to look the US in the face? Unfortunately, not. Saudi Arabia considered to be the best Islamic country, refused to receive and bury the corpse of Osama. What a pity that Saudi Arabia shamefully did not recognise its own national! Why? It is said that when a person dies, always recall or remember his good deeds, but what happened in this case ashamed every Muslim. Actually the eyes of Muslim rulers are covered by the curtain of US power. History is a witness that USA has always taken advantage of the friendship of the Muslims and left them in the lurch after achieving their goals and interests. However, the Muslim rulers never understand the conspiracies and are fully intoxicated with the power and US dollars.
As Pakistan is the first Islamic atomic country and its nuclear programme rankles in US eyes, America and its allies have always been trying to stop the nuclear programme and dominate the whole country. Hence US, along with its allies, keeps blaming Pakistan whereas the attack in Abbottabad and the killing of Osama was the biggest lie that they have told. The evidence or proof that the US provided and released with various videos of Osama are unable to prove that he was in Abbottabad.
The only lion, bin Laden, has perhaps passed away leaving some questions for Muslims, whether another Osama would emerge or not? Would the Muslims be always the slaves of USA as they are today? Would the Muslim world be sleeping negligently always? Would Muslims be quiet always, kneeling before their lord, Uncle Sam? The Muslim world needs to find out the answers to these questions.
The increasing drone attacks in Pakistani boundaries, capturing CIA agents, the existence of Blackwater, allegations on the ISI and other blame are all conspiracies to destroy Pakistan completely and Pakistan has to get rid of them. The US' evil intentions are weakening Pakistan economically, culturally and religiously, which is why it has created a lot of confusion among various communities and they are fighting one another and have scuffled at every stage of their lives.
Iran is not an atomic power and has dared to look US in the face because its nationals have great unity and have a great leadership. The US hasn't been able to attack Iran yet, whereas Pakistan, despite being an atomic power, is unable to stop even drone attacks and on the other hand, US interference in Pakistani internal affairs or issues and interests is increasing day by day because America knows that every ruler in Pakistan can easily be bought by paying them dollars, residency etc.
Although US hyperbolically claims to pacify the whole world and stop terrorism, the so-called supporter of humanity itself has proved to be the biggest terrorist of the world. Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan are all victims of American barbarism and now its Pakistan's turn. Pakistani leaders, due to their wrong policies, have pushed their nationals into a false war in which innocent children, women and men either young or old are brutally being killed with drone attacks on a constant basis. Unfortunately Pakistan forces are unable to warn and stop these drone attacks. Everybody beats about the bush whereas the US doesn't care and again strikes calmly. Both the USA and Pakistan are amazing countries because America talks of its nationals' rights while others are all worthless, whereas Pakistan lets the US kill its nationals and gets dollars in the shape of aid against terrorism.
There is an urgent need for Muslims to wake up and identify themselves and hold the rope of Allah Almighty, none can ever harm then. Muslims should bury their hatchets and be united and foil the conspiracies of USA and its allies. The Muslim rulers especially should think of their own countries' interests and their nationals and to improve them. Hopefully Muslims would soon wake up to face US anger and then the whole world would be peaceful as America's useless interference would not remain anymore.

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