PARTLY FACETIOUS: What's happening in Pakistan is not a state secret

13 May, 2011

"Nawaz Sharif was grossly unfair."
"Why do you say that? I thought calling for an independent inquiry into the failures of May 2 was appropriate. I mean you cannot ask the relevant entities to undertake an impartial inquiry can you? There is a clear conflict of interest.
It's as silly as multilaterals doing a project completion report on a project undertaken by the operational department that designed and implemented the project in the first place."
"But multilaterals have independent auditors as well that review the completion report and many a time the findings of the latter are different from the former."
"So who pays for the completion report undertaken by the operational department?"
"The debtor country and in case you reckon the cost is high it isn't. It's merely using minimal staff resources for an exercise that is really not going to change anything - I mean in the way the multilateral designed projects and the performance of the implementing agency of the debtor country and..."
"This is all so boring my friend."
"All I want to tell you is that Nawaz Sharif's suggestion that a judicial inquiry be undertaken under the chairmanship of the Chief Justice is appropriate and is supported by the public."
"Right, but it was unfair of Nawaz Sharif to give the three-day deadline to constitute the inquiry committee."
"Why? Three days is ample time to deal with this issue that has touched a raw nerve throughout the country and..."
"The three days is not enough because the decision maker is out of the country."
"Don't be facetious."
"It's true. The Prime Minister is not the decision-maker. I mean, the man said in the House that President Obama called President Zardari, and in our constitutional system the two are not counterparts, while Hillary Clinton called him."
"OK, so why can't he call the President? Don't they have phones in Russia?" "Yes, but maybe they are scared of being over heard by the Russian security forces." "Don't be silly what's happening in Pakistan is not a state secret. Hell it's not a secret at all, everyone who is interested knows about it."

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