Russian veteran warns of 'unsolvable' Afghan violence

16 May, 2011

Violence will erupt in Afghanistan once Nato-led forces complete their planned pullout, repeating the aftermath following the Soviet exit, the head of Russia's Union of Afghan Veterans said in an interview. Moscow is still haunted by its own disastrous, decade-long war in Afghanistan, where some 15,000 Soviet soldiers died fighting mujahideen insurgents before pulling out in 1989.
Frants Klintsevich, also a deputy in the Russian parliament, said he understands the desire to try to tame Afghanistan, but that "the problem of radical Islam will not be solved there, its violence cannot be solved. It is simply unsolvable".
He spoke to Reuters at an annual veterans' convention just outside of Moscow, where he conducted a wreath-laying ceremony with generals in full military regalia, many left blinded or crippled. Russian veterans are so tightly tied to the catastrophic conflict, they refer to themselves as "Afghans".
An increasingly unpopular war now in its tenth year, violence in Afghanistan has intensified. In 2010 all sides took record casualties, making it the worst year since US-backed Afghan forces overthrew the Taliban government in late 2001.
"As soon as the Americans and Europeans leave, the Taliban will crack down on everything," said Klintsevich, 53, who as a colonel between 1986-88 won praise from Moscow for quickly learning the Dari language and using it to negotiate with mujahideen.
After the dispirited Soviet exit, the Afghan communist government collapsed, leading to infighting between warlords, a civil war that reduced Kabul to rubble and paved the way for the Taliban's rise to power in 1996. With around 100,000 troops, the US has the lion's share of up to 150,000 Nato-led foreign forces in Afghanistan. In its time, the Soviet Union sent 115,000 troops.

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