Pak-China relations

18 May, 2011

"China stands firmly behind Pakistan and Pakistani government is firmly resolved and strongly active in its fight against terrorism and has made important contributions to international anti-terror efforts". This statement testifies the famous line which is often quoted while describing Pak-China relations, "Friendship between two countries is higher than Himalayas, deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey".
Two neighbours enjoy the most friendly and cordial relations for the last six decades. These relations are time-tested and rooted in the hearts and souls of the two people. Both always stood shoulder to shoulder in times of trial. Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognise the People's Republic of China in 1950. Pakistan also played an important role for the restoration of China's legitimate rights in the UN, and also remained a steadfast ally during Beijing's period of international isolation in the 1960s and early 70s, While China has long provided Pakistan with major military, technical, and economic assistance, including the transfer of technology and equipment. The Korakoram highway linking Pakistan and China is the manifestation of strong relations between the two neighbours.
Dozens of lives were sacrificed by the natives of both the countries to build this marvel of human courage through the most difficult terrain. This Friendship Highway was completed in 27 years. Work on this wonder of the world started in 1959 and was completed in 1986. 810 Pakistani and 82 Chinese workers lost their lives, mostly in landslides and falls, while building the highway. This road traces one of the many paths of the ancient Silk Route. It gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade, which began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 CE). On the same ancient path the great Korakoram Highway has been built. Recently Pakistan and China have signed an agreement to repair this Highway at a cost of US 275 million.
During the Bandung Conference in 1955, Premier Zhou Enlai held two sessions of friendly talks with Pakistani Prime Minister M. Ali. Next year Hussain Shaheed Suhrwardy and Zhou Enlai visited each other's country. In 1962, the two countries, through friendly talks, reached an agreement in principle on the position and alignment of Sino-Pakistani boundary. The final agreement was signed by foreign ministers Chen Yi for China and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for Pakistan. In February 1964, Premier Zhou Enlai visited Pakistan. As foreign minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto realised that Pakistan needed friendly China as a deterrent to Indian threat. Bhutto is thus considered as the chief architect of this exemplary friendship. Later as President and Prime Minister Bhutto gave utmost importance to Pakistan's relations with China. He visited China thrice respectively in 1972, 1974 and 1976 and held talks with Chinese leadership and signed many agreements to enhance trade, investment, defence and cultural ties. He was the last foreign leader to see Chairman Mao live.
Benazir Bhutto first visited China as a young girl with her father in 1972, when she also met Chairman Mao and his wife. After becoming Prime Minister, she announced her first foreign visit would be that of China and hence visited China in February 1989 and signed many agreements. She gave utmost importance to bring the two countries even closer as was envisioned by her father. In December 1993, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto paid another visit to China. In September 1995, invited by the Chinese government, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto attended the 4th World Women Conference sponsored by the UN in Beijing as a special guest.
The year 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Pakistani diplomatic relations and colourful celebrations were held in the two countries. Being always friendly to each other, China and Pakistan have kept close contacts in the culture, science, technology, defence and trade. Sino-Pakistani collaboration in science and technology has grown in depth. Since signing the agreement on co-operation in science and technology in 1976, two governments have held several meetings and signed more than 400 inter-governmental co-operation agreements for collaboration in science and technology.
Defence ties between china and Pakistan are time-tested. China helped Pakistan built Heavy Mechanical Complex, Aero Nautical Complex and other defence production units. Pakistan is producing the JF-17 Thunder multi-role combat aircraft jointly with China. The K-8 Karakorum light attack aircraft was also co-produced.
Trade relations began shortly after the establishment of diplomatic ties in early 1950s, and the two countries signed their first formal trade agreement in 1963. In October 1982, China-Pakistan Joint Committee of Economy, Trade and Technology was set up. With the joint efforts, Sino-Pakistani economic and trade co-operation has seen excellent progress. A comprehensive free trade agreement was signed in 2008, giving each country unprecedented market access to the other.
The two countries have co-operated on a variety of large-scale infrastructure projects in Pakistan, including highways, gold and copper mines, major electricity complexes and power plants, and numerous nuclear power projects. Roughly ten thousand Chinese workers are engaged in 120 projects in Pakistan. One of the most significant joint development projects of recent years is the major port complex of Gwadar in Balochistan. Gwadar port enables both countries to diversify and secure their crude oil import routes and provides the landlocked, oil and gas-rich Xinjiang Province with access to the Arabian Sea.
Since 2008, when the People's Party came to power, Prime Minister Gilani and President Asif Ali Zardari have declared relations with China as the cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy.
President Zardari has paid six visits to China while PM Gilani has also gone to China several times. These visits have given impetus to joint economic projects, regional connectivity, counter terrorism and harnessing new sources of energy and enhancing people to people contacts. Both leaders are carrying forward the vision of Pakistan People's Party to strengthen Pakistan's relations with China.
On the invitation of Prime Minister Gilani, Chinese premier Wen Jia Bao visited Pakistan in December last, when he held several rounds of talks with Pakistani leadership. Pakistan and China had concluded agreements worth $35 billion and a bilateral trade volume reaching $15 billion, during this historic visit. They include: 17 agreements, four Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs), and a joint venture. Pak-China Business Co-operation Summit was attended by both Premiers and participated by 260 strong Chinese delegates with their 150 strong Pakistani counterparts. As a result of exchange of highest level delegations and visits, trade between two countries has grown considerably. The Pakistani telecommunications, energy, infrastructure, heavy engineering, IT, mining, and defence industries have received considerable Chinese investments.
China has become a popular destination for Pakistani students for professional studies especially in the fields of medical, engineering, IT and telecommunication. Like-wise trend to learn Chinese language among Pakistanis is on rise. Even at primary level Chinese language is being taught in some of the Pakistani schools.
The year 2011 has been declared "friendship year" by both countries to commemorates the 60 years of diplomatic relations. Two neighbours are celebrating it with great zeal. Recently prime minister while addressing one such celebration at Pak-China Friendship Centre in Islamabad said: "We are proud to have China as our best and most trusted friend. And China will always find Pakistan standing beside it at all times."
PM Gilani's current visit to China is part of these celebrations and both parties will exchange views on deepening bilateral relations, promoting pragmatic co-operation in a wide range of areas and other international and regional issues of common concern. Leaders of the two countries will witness the signing of agreements concerning economics, trade, finance and culture.

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