Need to improve technical education

18 May, 2011

Progress and education are inter-linked. But in Pakistan, schools and the education system are struggling for survival although technical education is very important in the modern age. But only half of Pakistani's total population is literate.
However through technical education we produce engineers, builders, doctors and mechanics. Through technical education, we can increase the material resources of our country. It promotes material prosperity and economic advancement. It imparts quickness, neatness and order to the workers. It also creates "dignity of labour". If a country has its own technical experts, it can save a lot of foreign exchange. In short, technical education makes a country rich, prosperous, and resourceful.
Poverty in Pakistan is due to negligence of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources. But we do not have technical knowledge to benefit from them. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more technical institutions should be set up. Secondly, the idea of the "dignity of labour" should be popularised. The result of the study would be useful to the policymakers in the government to provide a basis for future planning of technical education to meet the challenges, which lie ahead. We also find the study helpful in bridging the gaps between institutional training and the industry's expectations through a more effective system of linkage.

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