Power shortfall shoots to 4,000 megawatts

18 May, 2011

Power shortfall triggered to 4,000MW during the last 24 hours because of short supply of fuel to thermal generation, reducing, however, to 1,409MW against 1,791MW a week earlier. According to Pepco brief, power generation during last 24 hours stood at 13,111MW against 17,026MW, leaving the system with a shortfall of 3,915MW. Power generation through hydel, thermal, IPPs and RPPs stood at 5,134MW, 1,409MW, 6,506MW and 62MW respectively.
A shortfall in power generation has resulted into forced electricity closures for long hours, putting business activities at halt and exposing many fragile souls to sunstrokes. Especially, the industry is the major sufferer of the situation, losing 50 percent of production altogether in the textile sector, leading to massive unemployment. However, no major hue and cry is there for the time being simply because majority of the labour is busy with wheat harvesting.
Pepco sources have feared further gulf in the demand and supply ahead due to short supply of fuel. It may be noted that the situation was partially improved with the arrival of fuel ship in last two weeks but it is again leading to adversity with the shortage of fuel supply.

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