Jamaat-e-Islami for strengthening ties with China

21 May, 2011

Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Chief, Syed Munnawar Hassan has said President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani should reciprocate the warmth shown by the Chinese leadership during Prime Minister Gilani's current visit in order to get rid of the US slavery.
Speaking on Friday at Mansoora, he said that the Chinese Prime Minister had extended all-out support to this country in this difficult time and the need of the hour is that the president and the prime minister also established their loyalty for the country instead of the Americans.
The JI chief said that the entire nation wanted to get rid of US slavery but the rulers were least worried about the country, as their sole concern was to please Washington. The rulers in Islamabad were more loyal to US President Obama than even Americans but if they did not mend their ways and put the country's independence and solidarity at stake in the ongoing US war, millions of Pakistani would stand against them, he warned.
The government must implement the parliament's resolution in its letter and spirit and stop drone attacks and US unilateral actions, he added. The JI chief stressed the government not to hand over Osama's wives and children to the US. He maintained that the politicians, who had their bank accounts, properties and families abroad, could neither stand against the US nor defend national interests. Only the patriotic people who were loyal to the country could defend the country while those involved in corruption from head to foot would always work for their personal gains, he added.
Unfortunately, he said, the nation had been in the grip of selfish and corrupt leaders so far. In the next elections, he said, the people would have to get rid of corrupt leaders and elect a leadership that had the will and the competence to solve their problems and also stand face to face the foreign powers.
The JI chief said that the parliament had adopted two resolutions on the present crisis. The fore most point was that foreign policy be reviewed and re-framed in the larger national interest. Further, that the US slavery and drone attacks be stopped and dialogue be started with all the stakeholders. But unfortunately, neither the first resolution was implemented nor any indication of the second one being put in force. In fact, he said, US Senator John Kerry had shattered to pieces the latest resolution but the rulers kept mum on that.

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