Message from Secreary, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan

24 May, 2011

By the Grace of almighty Allah, the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan is celebrating "60th Management Accountants Day" in Pakistan on this May 23, 2011. The Institute was founded on the initiative of Mr Mohammad Shoaib, a former Finance Minister of Pakistan.
It has been rendering excellent services at home and abroad for more than a half century. It was the first Open University type Institute which has been providing opportunities to everyone to become professionally qualified Cost and Management Accountant. The prestige which the Management Accountants have acquired during this period is on account of discipline, diligence, dedication and professionalism which have become the hallmark of the Institute.
Management Accountants have duly been contributing in significant way by adding value to business wherever they work. We work with a strong code of professional ethics which is an integral part of professionalism. It is indeed crucial determinant of the overall health of economic units and also that of nation as a whole. With our technical excellence; we, the Management Accountants have been adding value through optimal utilisation of available resources and management of risk associated with the growth. Thus we have been acting as catalyst in the process of strengthening the Corporate Sector in the Country.
Today, Pakistan despite being blessed with every natural resource, and people second to none in hard work and intellectual capabilities, is in the grip of economic crises. This is because of none of the faults of the people of Pakistan. It is because of lack of accountability of those in whom they had reposed trust to steer their motherland. Need for accountability has never been felt so serious as today. It gives me immense pleasures to assure you that the professionals of ICMAP are passing out have the necessary skills and competencies in Cost Control, Management Accounting and Auditing. In nutshell, our Excellencies are the basic requirements of our motherland to bring its economy back to sound track. We are grateful to all well wishers for their congratulatory messages on "60th Management Accountants Day" and stand to serve the society.

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