Norway plans billion-dollar clean energy for poor

25 May, 2011

Norway wants to channel billions of dollars to renewable energies in developing nations, building on a scheme to protect tropical forests to which Oslo has been the biggest donor, officials said. With cash to spare as the world's number six oil exporter, Norway wants governments and private investors to join a plan it calls Energy+ to promote green energies such as solar or wind power to combat climate change.
"Energy+ is an initiative to promote access to energy and low-carbon development" in developing nations, according to an internal document from the Ministry of International Development obtained by Reuters. Developed countries promised in 2009 to raise climate aid to $100 billion a year from 2020, to help developing nations curb emissions of greenhouse gases and adapt to impacts such as floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising seas. Few rich countries have outlined plans for how they will increase aid until 2020 as budget cuts bite in many nations and shorter-term domestic worries about jobs and mounting state debt eclipse concerns about global warming.
"We are trying to see if we can learn from rainforest conservation to set up a similar international scheme for environmentally friendly energy," Environment and International Development Minister Erik Solheim told Reuters. In 2007, Norway promised 3 billion crowns ($537.3 million) a year to help developing nations slow deforeststion, including projects worth $1 billion each for Brazil and Indonesia - making the country a leader in such funding.
Trees soak up carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, as they grow and release it when they burn or rot. Indonesia on Friday imposed a two-year moratorium on forest clearance as part of the scheme - some environmentalists said the Indonesian plan was not ambitious enough.

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