JS Investments announces maturity of JS CPF IV

01 Jun, 2011

JS Investments has announced the maturity of JS Capital Protected Fund IV (JS CPF IV), after successfully completing its tenure of 3 years and 6 weeks on 30th May 2011. JS CPF IV, which was launched in 2008, has successfully achieved its objective of providing 100 percent security of initial investment to its investors and has provided an impressive cumulative return of 27.45 percent, during its tenure.
In the same duration the KSE 30 Index was down by 37.88 percent. JS CPF IV is the fourth fund to mature from the JS Investments capital protected fund series, after the successful maturity of JS Capital Protected Fund I, II and III. Currently the company is successfully managing two more capital protected funds namely JS Principal Secure Fund I and II, which offer 100 percent capital protection to its investors.
JS Investments Limited, the management company of the JS CPF IV has completed the liquidation process and is in the final stages of sending the liquidation proceeds to the respective Unit Holders. JS Investments is the first private sector asset management company in Pakistan and with the management of 15 mutual funds; it has the largest product suite in the asset management industry.-PR

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