Blatter opens Congress, warns of dangers to FIFA

01 Jun, 2011

Beleaguered president Sepp Blatter formally opened the 61st FIFA Congress on Tuesday warning of the dangers world soccer's governing body is facing. Blatter, welcoming FIFA's 208 delegates at the opening ceremony which featured jugglers, folk dancers and singer Grace Jones, said he would speak in more detail about the problems facing FIFA before the business part of the Congress starts on Wednesday.
However, he warned: "I thought we were living in a world of fair play, respect and discipline but I must unfortunately say this is no longer the case because our pyramid, the famous FIFA pyramid, is suddenly unsure on its basis and there is danger."
FIFA has been rocked by a series of allegations over the last nine months regarding officials on the executive committee. Two Confederation presidents, Mohamed Bin Hammam of Asia and Jack Warner of CONCACAF, have been banned from the Congress after being suspended from all football related activity on bribery allegations.
Blatter continued: "Tomorrow, dear friends, when I open the Congress agenda, I will speak of the danger lurking and I will tell you how we can fight this threat of danger, how our sport can play its role in bringing people together in the future. "Tonight we want to meet in a festive atmosphere, but to keep the fascination of our sport we must respect it, it's up to all of us. It's our game, all of us have a duty to protect this sport and this is what we want to do. I am certain we will achieve this."
Blatter is expected to be re-elected FIFA president by acclamation for a fourth term on Wednesday, although a number of associations, including England and Scotland could call for the election to be postponed in the light of the corruption claims. International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge told FIFA they were not the only sports body to have faced problems, recalling the IOC's own cash-for votes crisis over the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games.
Appearing to lend support to Blatter, who sits on the IOC as FIFA president, Rogge told delegates: "FIFA is now facing allegations and controversy. "Thirteen years ago we had to face the same ordeal regarding the Salt Lake City Games. The IOC however ultimately emerged a stronger organisation and from within. "I will definitely not point the finger, nor be lecturing, but I am sure that FIFA can emerge stronger and from within. Have a good Congress, thank you very much."

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