Reading habit in children

07 Jun, 2011

It may not be possible to cultivate a habit of reading among adults who have only read textbooks or just a few books in their entire life. In order to develop a reading habit among people it is necessary for parents to urge their children to read right from the age when they start understanding and reading words.
It is not compulsory that they should know the meaning of whatever is written but it can enhance their interest in reading different things and they will automatically try to make sense and translate them according to their own convenience. Parents and teachers should help them in finding their interest from a variety of different books which may include stories, general knowledge and others.
They should guide them if they choose wrong literature. Parents and teachers together make reading fun through joining them or allowing their friends with them. Children should not be discouraged or taunted. They shouldn't be reprimanded for not reading something other than their schoolbooks, just because they are not grown enough. If children are provided with an environment of books, a reading habit will be inculcated.

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