Need stressed to preserve biodiversity

08 Jun, 2011

Federal Minister for Science & Technology, Changez Khan Jamali has stressed that preservation of bio-diversity is must for the survival of future generation, as bio-diversity is the essence of life.
"I believe that the research on bio-diversity can help us manage and overcome most of our major economic and social problems pertaining to agriculture, livestock, food security, health, energy and innovations", he said this while inaugurating the three day National Symposium on Bio-diversity of Pakistan, here on Tuesday.
The symposium was jointly organised by Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), and Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) to create awareness about bio-diversity issues and mark the International Bio-diversity Decade as declared by the United Nations.
The minister said that it is the need of the hour to realise the gravity of bio-diversity issues and create public awareness among the masses for the betterment of future generations. He said that in the wake of global unrest and chaos, it is the people working in bio-diversity who can steer their respective nations out of the fear of malnutrition, disease, famine and environmental degradation. The minister also said that Pakistan is rich in terms of bio-diversity and there is urgent need for conserving and securing all of the natural assets.-PR

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