Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan has on Thursday said that the judiciary should intervene and play an effective role to save the country from complete institutional collapse. He was addressing a press conference here on Thursday. PTI central information secretary Omar Sarfraz Cheema, PTI President Punjab Ahsan Rasheed and other office bearers were also present on the occasion.
Imran Khan said the higher judiciary is the only institution left that can intervene to salvage the country from the present corrupt and reckless government. "It is time that the judiciary takes firm and resolute steps to implement its verdicts, including the Lahore High Court verdict barring the holding of two offices by the President," he added.
He visualised a constitutional deadlock when the NRO manufactured and US hoisted President and Co- Chairperson of PPP would constitute a caretaker government to hold general elections. How can a co-chairperson of a political party that is participating in elections be expected to set up a credible caretaker government, he questioned.
According to him, governance has all but collapsed with growing signs of civil disobedience. The refusal of the Karachi business community to pay electricity bills is an indication of the mood of society that is fed up with both the PPP and the PML-N.
The latest verbal duel between the PPP and PML-N leadership is merely an attempt to draw public attention at a time of their falling popularity. If Nawaz Sharif is sincere in accountability of corrupts he should first declare all his assets and sources of income before asking Zardari's trial.
Imran demanded of the Supreme Court to urgently hear the drone attacks petition filed by the PTI and hold a judicial inquiry under the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to ascertain the legitimacy of the drone attacks under our Constitution and also determine the scale of human loss and establish scope of compensation to the victims and their families.
He said if the US is negotiating with the Taliban what is stopping us from entering into a dialogue with the militants. He criticised the government for turning a deaf ear to his offer of mediation between the militants and the government. "If we do not pull out of this madness called the war on terror, vital state organs (including the Army) would be put under increasing pressure. The nation cannot afford the fragmentation of the Army. Thus, the leadership should refrain from politicising vital state organisations, such as the Army," he added.
He said if Nawaz Sharif was sincere in reforms why did he not constitute a commission to inquire into the Kargil misadventure and instead tried to appease General Musharraf by offering him dual offices. The PTI Chief stated that the public sentiment has overwhelmingly turned against the corrupt leaders, as is evident from latest public opinion surveys.
"The Multan 'jalsa' on June 25 would be another endorsement from the people of southern Punjab that from Khyber to Karachi, people want change and change can no longer wait. The march to Islamabad has started and soon a situation would be reached when the people would knock at the doors of the rulers to force them to quit government or face the wrath of the people.