Punjab Assembly in its 27th session here on Thursday passed 'Punjab Finance Bill 2011. Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal chaired the meeting. In the session 'Lahore Ring Road Authority Bill 2011' and 'The Punjab Food Authority Bill 2011' were too passed on the occasion. Amendments of the opposition on these bills were rejected on the occasion.
The Lahore Ring Road Authority Bill 2011 was referred to the standing committee on Communication and Works on March 30, 2011. The committee considered the bill in its meeting held on April 12, 2011. The project for the construction of Lahore Ring Road was taken in hand by C&W Department in 2004. The Bill for the establishment of the Ring Road Authority was prepared and discussed by the steering committee during its meeting on 4,12,2010. Report on recommendations and explanatory memorandum regarding National Finance Commission 2009 was too laid in the House.
Former opposition leader Chaudhry Zaheer on a point of order dilated that vote on budget was unconstitutional and they had given a reference to the Speaker on the issue. He said if no action was taken on that, they would go to the courts, he maintained.
Former Senior Minister Raja Riaz also supported the legislator on the issue while Atta Muhammad Manika leader of the Unification Group said that they were in the majority in the House, therefore, their seats were allocated in that context and they voted on the budget as a decision of the Group. In the House during speech of Unification Group leader slogans of 'Lota, lota' were raised. The supplementary budget would be considered in the House on Friday (today). The House was adjourned later on by the Chair for Friday (9:00am).