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Pakistanis cautioned against 'agent mafia'

05 Jul, 2011

Pakistan High Commission in Malaysia has advised Pakistani nationals to guard themselves against the agent mafia trying to misinterpret and misuse the Illegal Workers Management Programme under consideration by the Malaysian government. According to details, the Malaysian government intends to launch Illegal Workers Management Programme very soon to register illegal workers of various nationalities in the country through their biometrics and basic personal details.
However, no company or individual has been appointed so far by the Malaysian Home Ministry to collect money or any kind of payment from anyone and the companies/individuals falsely claiming to assist illegal workers through this programme bear no official sanction, and are merely exploiting the illegal workers and collecting money from them.
The High Commission has advised Pakistani nationals working in Malaysia to avoid any interaction with such fraudulent companies/individuals and make no any payments in this regard. As and when the programme is officially launched, a notice will be displayed in the High Commission advising such workers on the further course of action, the statement added.
The High Commission has also advised Pakistanis back home to stay away from the unscrupulous agent mafia and recruiting agents who are misusing the yet-to-be-launched Illegal Workers Management Programme which is, by no means, a naturalisation scheme. "Our nationals back home are forewarned and advised to pay no attention to the false 'job recruitment or settlement offers' that have started circulating in Pakistan," the High Commission maintained.-PR

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