PTI's '100-day plan' proposes ultra-revolutionary measures

10 Jul, 2011

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Saturday said that the, launching a vigorous campaign to root out corruption from the society and bringing back looted wealth to the national coffers. Speaking at a press conference, PTI chairman Imran Khan said that his party has prepared a 100-day plan of action with specific steps, backed by a detailed cost and revenue plan within a timeframe, which would be launched soon.
He said that the plan, that took over a year, has been prepared by a team of professionals and experts in all relevant fields. He said that in the first 100 days, action would be taken on the burning issues like terrorism, corruption, unemployment, energy crisis and inflation on priority basis. Imran said that the '100-day plan' also outlines the medium- to long-term strategies of PTI to meet the economic, social and governance challenges being faced by Pakistan today due ill-carved policies of the incumbent regime.
He said that PTI counter-terror strategy would focus on political approaches and resort to applying force as a last and least preferred option. "I have been saying this for the last several years, and the same is being repeated by the army chief in his speech in Swat", he observed. Imran said that his party would declare an end to all military operations and withdraw troops from FATA, maintaining law and order in these areas with full responsibility. "A grand peace and reconciliation jirga would be convened to bring peace and harmony in the war-torn areas through reconciliation", he added.
He said that a commission would be formed to ascertain the human rights violations in FATA and Swat [Malakand division] during military operations, which will help in establishing the scale of damage caused to the society and the compensation needed put lives back on track.
The PTI chief made it clear that all US bases and intelligence centres would be closed within three months. "We will tell them to pack up, as enough is enough, and we can not accept breach of our sovereignty anymore", he remarked. "The visas of all foreign security operatives, including the CIA, would be cancelled and they would be repatriated to their respective countries within seven days...this is what we will do", he added.
Commenting about US drone strikes in tribal areas of the country, he said that the US could not undertake such attacks without government approval. Citing Wikileaks report, Imran said that Pakistan government has given clean chit to US to carry out drone attacks in FATA, which has marred the national integrity and portrayed Pakistan as the weakest state in the world.
"All drone attacks would be stopped forthwith, and any breach of our sovereignty would automatically result in blocking of all Nato supplies and an end to all forms of co-operation with the US in its war on terror", he said. To eradicate corruption, within the first 100 days action plan of PTI, he said, an independent accountability bureau would be formed under a new anti-corruption law which would be headed by an individual of impeccable credentials. To steer the country of current economic crunch, he said, Benami accounts and transactions would be banned. All transactions above a certain ceiling would be considered legal only if the businessmen are registered as taxpayers, he added.
He said that politicians and government officials, having foreign bank accounts or properties abroad, would be forced to declare their assets and source of income, failing which stern action would be taken against them.
He said that sugar, cement, fertiliser cartels would be dismantled. On economic issues, he said, a Pakistan infrastructure fund would be established and will be funded by overseas Pakistanis to increase the resource base without the conditionalities as made compulsory by the foreign donors.

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