Partly Facetious: We can't have our cake and eat it too

13 Jul, 2011

"Anger against the US is mounting."
"But I ask you: the guy is the Charge d'Affaires in a Muslim country where fundamentalists are running wild in many areas, where his security is provided by the government and the cost of that security is high and..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you remember a few years ago the South Korean Christians announced that they would visit Kabul and hold a prayer meeting in the stadium and..."
"Right, that upset the Afghans no end resulting in the cancellation of the prayer meeting if I recall correctly but what does that have to do with what you are saying?"
"The US Charge d'Affaires Richard Hoagland extended support to the gay and lesbians and transgender Pakistanis. In his words 'I want to be clear: the US embassy is here to support you and stand by your side every step of the way.' And this is noted in a release by the embassy website."
"So you think the two events show the same level of insensitivity and while the Koreans obviously did not represent an official line Hoagland was and was being a tad undiplomatic."
"It wasn't necessary is all I am saying. There are a number of liberal Pakistanis who are not upset by his statement, and need I add there are a number of Americans who are not homophobic but there are quite a few Americans who are and there are may be a larger number of Pakistanis who are but given the security issues that the military as well as law enforcement agencies are engaged in surely such a statement by Hoagland was thoughtless at best."
"Right, and Clinton says that money for the army would be released in return for actions taken by our army."
"There I agree with the Americans. I don't understand why we consider US assistance as our right, our government and military leaders have made deals with the US and based on those deals we get some money. We can't have our cake and eat it too."
"But you know the day that Clinton said money for the military would be released only if we deliver there was a drone strike."
"Which wasn't shot down, and as our air force chief revealed to the in camera session of parliament we can strike down the drones if so ordered, so does it mean Pakistani officialdom's support for drones continues?"
"Precisely, interesting hunh!"
"It's like tails you win, heads I lose."
"Tell that to your leadership."

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