BGSA terms unprofessional work a cause behind water shortage

15 Jul, 2011

Balochistan Geoscientists Association's leaders have alleged the unprofessional work in drilling of tubewells in government sector and private sector in Balochistan, one of the major causes of shortage of water.
In a press release issued on Thursday, BGSA leaders including chairman Razzaq Khan Khilji and others said that drilling of tubewells in public sector with the help of non-professional persons had been causing failure of government as well as private tubewell system in Quetta and other parts of the province adding that the drilling is solely a geoscientific work which should be executed through qualified professional geoscientists (Geologist and geophysicist).
They said that throughout the world this job is carried out by qualified and experienced professional geoscientists according to the tube wells principles. "Unfortunately in Balochistan, most of the Government/NGOs particularly private drilling agencies never give importance to this important aspect of the drilling process and drill the tubewell through unqualified and non-professional labours/officials", they said adding that consequently poor quality and low standard tubewells are drilled with low and polluted water discharge which is not only hazardous for human consumption but also for the main water supply pipeline.
They further said that drilling of this kind of low standard tubewells not only cause many waterborne disease but also lead in spoiling the government funds. They noted that drilling of a tubewell does not mean to dig a hole but there are many principles of drilling which should be followed for drilling a standard (sand, silt, clay and other pollution free) tubewell with a good discharge.
Many of the tubewell drilled for domestic and agriculture use fail prematurely because of poor tubewell designing, improper sized and placed gravel pack materials and ineffective slotted pipe screens, They added. They noted that the decline in the specific capacity of pumping wells within some years is common due to improper tubewell designing and other geological problems, which have a drastic effect on the main water supply and create water crises. They demanded that the government of Balochistan should strictly ban the tubewell drilling and development without qualified and professional geoscientists.

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