Power situation improved marginally Friday with increase in thermal generation, reducing the shortfall to 5166MW against 5825MW a day earlier. The thermal generation stood at 1816MW against 1712MW that improved the power situation marginally. Still, power shortfall remained above the alarming level of 5000MW, continuing since the beginning of the week.
Power generation during last 24 hours remained 12936MW against a demand of 18102MW, leaving the system with a shortfall of 5166MW. The hydel, thermal, IPPs and RPPs generated 5175MW, 1816MW, 5820MW and 125MW respectively. Power supply to KESC was 700MW against 740MW a day earlier.
Pepco sources said an improvement in supply of furnace oil improved thermal generation marginally but still the economic activity remained paralysed both on commercial and industrial fronts. The domestic consumers kept on facing troubles separately. It may be noted that the power consumers are busy in protesting against the short supply of electricity for last few days and political circles believe that these protests may turn into political movement, provided the opposition parties form an alliance ahead.