Engineering Development Board (EDB) here on Friday released "Cost of Doing Business in Pakistan" June 2011 edition containing basic business related information. The 25 pages' booklet contains information on different factors of cost, pricing, tariff rates, cost of living and other important business related information of the country.
The main aim of the booklet is to facilitate decision making by investors, businessmen and traders to undertake business ventures in Pakistan. CEO, EDB Aitazaz A. Niazi describes the booklet in its preamble as an effort to disseminate information needed by potential investors and businessmen starting from the first step of incorporating a company to cost of human recourse, utilities, logistics and pricing of commodities. Beside, it also provides information about Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Private-Public sector banks, and trade and industry associations in the country.
The copies of this booklet have been provided to Foreign Affairs and Commerce Ministries for onward distribution to Pakistani Missions and Trade Offices abroad. The foreign embassies in Pakistan have also been supplied copies in addition to all Chamber of Commerce and Industries. This document is also available on EDB web-site: