Argentine farmers are concerned the lack of rain could hurt 2011/12 wheat crops in parts of the country's farming belt, the government said in its weekly crop report on Friday. Argentina is a leading wheat grower and exports the bulk of its crop to neighbouring Brazil. Dry weather is affecting nascent crops in southern parts of the Buenos Aires province, the top wheat growing region.
"There was no rain this week in Bahia Blanca, which led to widespread concerns because dryness is affecting the area," the Agriculture Ministry said in the report. However, wheat crops in northern Buenos Aires, and in Santa Fe, the country's No 2 wheat growing region are in good shape, according to the report, which is updated to Thursday.
Farmers had planted 79 percent of the 4.7 million hectares earmarked for wheat by Thursday, 11 percentage points ahead of the previous week, and matching last season's pace.
Last week the Buenos Aires grains exchange lowered its 2011/12 wheat area forecast to 4.7 million hectares, a 5 percent cut from a previous forecast. The Rosario grains exchange this week estimated Argentina's 2011/12 wheat area at 4.5 million hectares. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) forecasts Argentina's 2011/12 wheat output at 15 million tonnes.
SOYA, CORN Argentine farmers finished the 2010/11 harvest last week, and the ministry estimates they garnered 49.6 million tonnes. Argentina is the world's No 1 soyameal and soyaoil exporter, as well as its third-biggest soyabean supplier. The USDA sees Argentina's output this season at 49.5 million tonnes.
"The oilseed harvest finished with a delay of more than a month because of (unfavourable) weather conditions," the government said referring to the northern Chaco province. In regards to corn, the report said the harvest was slow in some areas due to high levels of soil moisture. Farmers had collected 92 percent of the 4.33 million hectares planted with 2010/11 corn by Thursday, advancing 2 percentage points from a week earlier, but 2 points short of their mark at this time last season.
Argentina is the second-largest corn exporter in the world after the United States, and farmers are expected to harvest high yields despite dryness caused by the La Nina weather anomaly in December and early January. The government expects 21.6 million tonnes of corn to be harvested in the 2010/11 crop, while the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) foresees 22.0 million tonnes of corn to be produced in Argentina.