Importable items from India: PCDMA advised to provide list

21 Jul, 2011

Minister of Commerce and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) have advised Pakistan Chemicals and Dyes Merchant Association (PCDMA) to provide a list of chemical, dyers and other items, which can be included in the list of importable goods from India before on or before Friday.
Senior Research Associate, Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development (Ministry of Commerce), Rizwan Aslam visited the association office to discuss the issue of increasing list of importable items from India along with other official of ministry and TDAP.
He informed that the government is interested to enhance two-way trade with India and increase the list of importable items from India. He hoped that the government intend to finalise the list of importable items in present ongoing negotiations with India
Chairman PCDMA Haroon Agar suggested that the present negative list of non-importable items should be withdrawn. On which the visiting delegation did not agree and said it is not possible.
Haroon Agar assured that the association will provide a list of importable chemicals, dyers and other items from India including those items which at present coming in the country through third country.
He said at present Pakistan importing around 100 items valued at 400 to 500 million dollars from India.
Increase in the list of items and removing ban on import of those items which import from India is restructure or in negative list will boost trade by 1.5 billion dollars
Haroon Agar also agitated the issue of Indian visa with the delegation. He said that India take about 45 days in issuing business visa, which is one of the biggest hitch in conducting trade. Whereas Pakistan embassy in India issuing visa in just one week. He said that Pakistan side negotiating trade and other issues with India must also take up the visa issue on priority bases.

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