Industrial units ask KESC to end loadshedding

31 Jul, 2011

Emergency general body meetings of all the industrial town associations of the city were held on Saturday where members pressed their representative bodies to announce to hold back payment of Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) bills if the company failed to exempt industrial areas from load shedding
In an emergent meeting of the Chairmen of industrial town associations including Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI), Site Association of Industry (SAI) , Landhi Association of Trade and Industry (LATI) North Karachi Association of Trade and Industry (NKATI), F B Area Association of Trade and Industry (FBATI), Super Highway SITE Association of Trade and Industry (SHSAI) and Port Qasim Association of Industry (PQATI) were held on Thursday in which it was decided that all the associations will called their respective general body meeting on Saturday and decided future line of action.
The general body meetings of the associations have also authorised there respective executive committees to go ahead and take bold steps to save industries from collapse. The steps they suggested include giving strike call, stop payment of KESC bills, call joint meeting of all the industrial associations of the city and decide joint action, call a press conference, hold meeting with Prime Minister, Governor, Chief Minister and other authorities and sought their assistance to pressurise KESC to announce ending load shedding in industrial areas.
The Site Association of Industry has called a joint meeting of the all chairmen of all the industrial town associations on Monday to consult outcome of the meeting held on Saturday and finalise future line of action in consultations. Speaking at SAI general body meeting, Chairman SAI, Abdul Wahab Lakhani, noted with regret that despite assurances by the government and Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) that there would be no load shedding in industrial areas, load shedding is being carried out on Saturday which has started from 14.30 hours and continued till 18.30 hours and it is not sure when the load shedding will be totally stopped.
He said in present circumstances it has become impossible for industrialists to carry out production activities and fulfil local and exports commitments. Former Chairman SAI, Nisar Shekhani, pointed out that some of the industrial units facing gas load shedding beside power.
He noted with concern that KESC has miserably failed to clear Rs 28 billion outstanding bills of Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC). On non-payment of bills SSGC reduces gas supply to Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC). He said as pressure tactic the KESC management increases load shedding in industrial, residential and commercial areas on the pretext of reused gas supply and pressurise the government to pursue SSGC to restore gas supply.
This game is going on since last many years crippling industrial production. He said that SSGC once again assured to restore 180 MMCFD gas to KESC and pleaded that after getting this quantity of gas there should be no load shedding in industrial areas. Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) never got more than 180 MMCFD gas in the past, he pointed out.
He said KESC seems unmoved to operate its units on furnace oil because oil is expensive and PSO providing oil on cash payment only. Former Chairman SAI, Tariq Yousif, pointed out that load shedding creating water shortage which is the life-line of many industries.
He said beside big industries small and cottage industries are at the verge of collapse owing to power and water shortage. Industries can arrange power generators but there is no solution of water shortage. The water tankers are also going on strike from Monday, he added
Some of the participants suggested that a delegation should be formed to meet governor Sindh and sought his assistance to resolve the issue. Other suggested to stop payment of KESC bills, approach government to provide oil on 50 percent concession to operate, generate and run units, establish a fund and contribute generally in it to have their own power station, close down units, go on indefinite strike, etc.
Chairman Federal B Area Association of Trade and Industry (FBAATI), Mohammad Irfan, said that general body meeting of the association was held on Saturday and it has given mandate to its executive committee to decide future line of action. He said a meeting of chairmen of all the industrial town associations will be held on Monday discuss various options presented in Saturday meetings and decide future line of action. Similar general body meeting of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) was held on Saturday where the issue of load shedding was discussed on length. Members of the association suggested to stop payment of KESC bills, going on strike, hold rally at press club.

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