Water thieves get one month term

01 Aug, 2011

As many as five persons, accused of stealing water from the canal, have been caught red handed by the Irrigation Department officials and sentenced of one month imprisonment by the concerned Canal Magistrate. Illegal equipment, including pipes and other machinery, has also been impounded by the Irrigation officials.
According to the details, a special team of Punjab Irrigation Department headed by Executive Engineer Amjad Chaudhry raided the Khanwah Canal Division in Depalpur Canal Circle and caught five persons, including ring leader Zahoor Ahmad found involved in stealing canal water. Concerned Canal Magistrate took serious notice of it and announced one-month imprisonment to all the accused involved and sent them to P.S Haveli Lakha for further process of law.
It may be added here that Punjab Irrigation Department has constituted 11 special teams to ensure equitable distribution and supply of water, especially at tail ends, in the province. These teams are working devotedly to curtail water theft.

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