On Wednesday, the BRIndex30 opened at 8,619.09 points and remained in negative throughout the trading session. It touched the intra-day high of 8,602.27 points and low of 8,389.03 points and closed at 8,401.81 points with a net negative change of -217.28 points, or -2.52 percent lower than previous close.
The volume was 35,705,431 shares, which was 77.44 percent of KSE All share volume and 91.23 percent of KSE-100 volume. The KSE All Share volume was 46,108,653 shares and KSE-100 volume was 39,136,605 shares. BR Commercial Banks Index closed at 2,424.49 with a net negative change of -43.48 points or percentage change of -1.76 and turnover of 6,925,332 shares.
BR Tech & Comm Index closed at 328.96 with a net negative change of -11.49 points or percentage change of -3.37 and turnover of 5,254,834 shares. BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,685.09 with a net negative change of -28.79 points or percentage change of -1.68 and turnover of 3,281,277 shares. BR Cement Index closed at 563.07 with a net negative change of -15.65 points or percentage change of -2.7 and turnover of 2,522,224 shares. BR Oil and Gas Index closed at 2,577.34 with a net negative change of -83.84 points or percentage change of -3.15 and turnover of 2,337,684 shares.