Board-in-Council of the Federal Board of Revenue has dropped a proposal of the FBR Members to create 100 new posts of Law Officers in BS-17 for posting in Large Taxpayer Units (LTUs) and Regional Tax Offices (RTOs) to reduce litigation and deal with the legal issues in all federal tax laws.
Sources told Business Recorder here on Tuesday that the issue of appointment of 100 new posts of Law Officers in BS-17 for posting at the Large Taxpayer Units (LTUs) and Regional Tax Offices (RTOs) was discussed during the last Board-in-Council meeting of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). FBR Member Legal apprised the Board about the proposed cadre of the Law officers and detailed discussion was made on the appointment of new posts of Law Officers.
Keeping in view the cumbersome process of the creation of new posts and the immediate importance of departmental representative (DRs) in the Tribunals, it was decided that to reassess the legal function at LTUs/ RTOs the DG (SP&R) shall apprise the Chairman about the World Bank report on restructuring vis-à-vis the existing structure of the Inland Revenue (IR) field units.
Secondly, Board-in-Council also decided that the FBR Member (Legal) and Member Inland Revenue (IR) should jointly firm up a proposal for posting regular DRs and devising an incentivised package for them, officials added. Board-in-Council also discussed the demand of the FBR Member Legal for enhancement of retainership fee from Rs 40,000 to Rs 100,000 for legal advisers. FBR Member (Legal) apprised the Board about the facts of the case. After detailed deliberations, it was decided that Member (Legal) should process the case as per the procedure.